What is beardruff?
Beardruff is scale-like patches resulting from dry skin underneath the beard. Many mistake beardruff for dandruff but the truth is dandruff occurs on the scalp while beardruff affects the facial skin underneath the beard due to dry uncared for skin. This is certainly an annoyance to bearded men that is not appealing, if your beard begins to itch it is most likely due to beardruff and the lack of sufficient knowledge of the benefits of natural beard oil.
This condition is comparable to what occurs in the scalp dandruff where the skin gets excessively dry and begins to shed off as white flakes. It then tangles up in your facial hair and you end up with dead flaky skin everywhere.
Well, beardruff and its natural remedies are a common topic and that’s why there are specific products designed and intended for treating the condition. Some of these products include beard wash, beard oil and beard balm, all tailored to attack and solve this problem.
What causes beardruff?
As already mentioned, beardruff is initiated by scaly shards of dead skin cells under the beard. it results from dry skin, lack of proper beard care or sometimes the use of the wrong products in your beard can all cause this to occur. Also, beardruff can be caused by seborrheic dermatitis (seborrhea), a medical condition defined by enduring dehydrated and red skin. This condition is more or less like eczema and psoriasis which are also possible causes of beardruff.
So, how is beardruff treated naturally?
The following are some of the most effective ways to prevent beardruff and natural methods of getting rid of flaky skin in your face:
- Wash your beard
Wash your beard every 2-3 days. This will help with the preservation of the natural sebum oil which is the number one step in prevention of dry flakes. Use only a beard wash and not general shampoo to avoid suppression of natural growth and stripping of natural oils already in your beard. When washing the beard, it’s best to use a mild wash that is specially made and intended for beard hair.
- Apply beard oil
Apply some beard oil and work it into the skin and beard hair, this will replace/top up any natural oils lost while washing. It is best not to use all polyunsaturated carrier oils as they are disposed to lipid per oxidation and often get rancid on the skin thus worsening the flakes. Instead, work with a natural oils containing ingredients like Jojoba or Sweet Almond oil. All of our oils target this problem from the source.
- Exfoliate the skin
Exfoliate the skin using a beard brush to aid with the removal of dead skin cells and to oxygenate the beard hair follicles. Repeated exfoliation of the skin underneath your beards is essential for beardruff reduction. Use a quality boar hair beard brush to brush your face at least once every day.
- Use beard balm
If you are suffering severely from beardruff, beard balm will help aswell. Use the balm with or after applying our beard oil to further help in stopping and preventing flakiness.
For maximum benefit, apply the balm after applying beard oil. The best balms are those that contain beeswax and shea butter as the elements in them create a protective layer that hold in moisture to reduce the flakiness over time.
Check out our Beard Oils, Balms, Washes and Brushes
Read about What Makes The Best Beard Oil?