The Lejonjon Story
Lejonjon’s Story
In January 2017, I’d kept my beard unshaven for nearly 8 months, the longest time I had ever grown my beard without shaving. During this time, I suffered from intense itching and annoying beardruff (Flaky skin in the beard similar to dandruff).
I originally felt awkward about growing a beard as some people liked it, some called me a caveman, some jokingly insisted that I needed to shave. Beard products helped give me the confidence to keep and maintain my beard. Before I discovered these products, I was starting to look like a shipwreck survivor!
One afternoon, I resorted to looking for a beard comb online, and it was here that I discovered beard oil.
I ordered some unscented synthetic beard oil in a 15ml bottle, and I waited for it to arrive with much anticipation. This was my first ever beard oil that I had purchased, when it arrived, I thought to myself this was the ultimate solution to the itching. It made my beard look great and it softened and tamed the hair.
After some time, I learnt that the beard oil was weighing down my beard and the skin underneath the beard hair was starting to suffer from the synthetic ingredients used. I thought to myself it would be wise to try source a lighter natural beard oil with a scent that I really liked. There was so many available overseas but not too many locally that ticked all the boxes that I was looking for. I then decided that I would attempt create my own natural beard care and skin care products for myself and others. I started researching and I ended up purchasing multiple different carrier oils, butters and other natural ingredients.
My first batch of products was pretty impressive, so I continued tweaking and adjusting my recipes to expand my skills, knowledge and improve on what I had learnt. It was here that I started perfecting my personal concoctions of beard oils.
After a several months, I’d started collecting so many different carrier oils, essential oils, butters and sheets of handmade recipes for different products for men and woman. During this time I started making and perfecting beard balm and beard wash. I learnt about different types of skincare after perfecting the beard care range.
Throughout this time I was giving friends, work colleagues, and Barbers my handmade products for feedback. Not too long after this I was starting to receive requests for more after they had run out.
It was here I came to the realization that there was more people out there as I was previously, struggling to grow and maintain facial hair. There were men who suffered from issues like itching that had made them to shave their beards unwillingly and afraid of using products due to skin reactions and false product claims.
I had never thought about selling my products until this point, I was on a mission to make the best products for myself while growing and maintaining a solid beard. It was around this time I realized that there was plenty of other blokes out there that were having the same issues I experienced at the start of my journey.
My goal became clear I wanted to provide men with great quality products. My journey begun to build my brand. I designed a logo, developed a website and opened up my products to the public to preserve the art of the beards men.
This is when Lejonjon was born.
Come join the vast number of Kiwi blokes that continue to trust us with their beards..